One thing that I have been doing more of since starting this blog is reading the stories of other people who are facing battles of their own. I guess I am intrigued by (and sometimes desperate to) learn about how different people are making their way through their challenges. One common denominator that I notice in the stories that inspire me is that each person speaks in a direct way, from the heart, and that each of them has a positive attitude (like my dad), although none of it is too flowery or Fantasy Islandish.
I recently came across the story of Suleika Jaouad (pronounced "su-LAKE-uh ja-WAD"), which I feel compelled to share; in reading what she has written about her battle with cancer, it is clear that she is nothing short of a badass, and I find her stories, her writing style, and her perspective to be both inspiring and empowering. Suleika writes a weekly column for the New York Times called 'Life, Interrupted,' in which she chronicles her journey with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Her blog, Secrets of Cancerhood, includes links to her series of newspaper articles and her video journal, which she has been keeping since her diagnosis in May of 2011.